Anti-Inflammatory Diet – Day 19

anti-inflammatory diet

Join Chicago-area pediatric dietitian Betsy Hjelmgren and her husband, David, as they venture on their own nutrition journey this August. Their vlog contains all the laughs, fun banter and tips you would expect from a great couple attempting a restrictive diet rollercoaster. Tune in as Betsy learns to truly appreciate the difficulties clients and families face when embarking on a new diet with nothing but a few handouts and some encouragement from others!

Betsy and David had a fairly good and stable day today with eating. The weekdays are easier to get into a groove with. Betsy reports on her good day in terms of macro’s, and encourages interested followers to visit the Feed to Succeed website for more details.

David continues to be short on calories, although this is part of the grander plan for him to slim down a little.

Betsy takes the “Cheerios” question on full force. Are they, or are they not a healthy food?


  • Coffee with half-and half
  • Raspberries and strawberries
  • Fage plain yogurt
  • Rolled oats
  • Omega-3 trail mix


  • Caprese salad
  • Skillet corn bread
  • Tuna salad with avocado mayo
  • Bing cherries
  • Dates


  • Chickpea pasta with homemade garden pesto
  • Grilled chicken breast
  • Greek Horiatiki salad
  • Red wine
  • Watermelon


  • Dark chocolate – 72% cocoa (1 square)


  • Betsy – 2,101 calories, 107g protein

Below is the breakdown of my day (Betsy). This was a GREAT day for me in that I was closer than usual to protein, carb and fat goals. Note that despite the above food, with very little added sugar except 1 small square dark chocolate, I still managed to exceed my sugar goal. This is a very difficult goal to achieve unless one intentionally limits their fruit intake. Which, as a dietitian, I can think of many things I would recommend limiting before one got to fruit. The recommended sugar goal may not actually be achievable, even eating an ideal diet, for an athlete.

Send your anti-inflammatory diet or any pediatric nutrition questions or comments our way! Let’s chat!