Ask Amanda is a weekly column from Feed to Succeed dietitian Amanda Gordon. Have a question? Email Amanda and let her know or submit an “Ask Amanda” question for a future column. Hi Amanda – I am wondering about peanut butter and what the differences are between the natural
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Ask the Dietitian is a blog written by an infant nutrition and lactation expert, who previously worked at Feed to Succeed (2016-2022) and now works at the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Within this blog, she addresses questions you may have about feeding your baby.
Ask Amanda is a weekly column from Feed to Succeed dietitian Amanda Gordon. Have a question? Email Amanda and let her know or submit an “Ask Amanda” question for a future column. What are some good healthy snacks and foods with protein to have on hand that my teens
Read more →This week’s Ask Amanda focuses on what is the difference between the food for adults and food for kids/toddlers over 11 months. This is a great question! The answer is – there should not be too much difference. Toddlers need what we need – just in smaller amounts.
Read more →I am not a food blogger, but this is my daughter’s breakfast from Friday and I couldn’t help but photograph it. She was my inspiration for this week’s Ask Amanda: Pasta not Pop-Tarts. Mornings can be rushed in our house, especially now that school is starting. I
Read more →Hi Amanda. I hear a lot these days about probiotics and how they can be good for kids. Is this something I should consider for my toddler? Does he need a supplement? This is a great question and a good follow up to the question last week
Read more →Do y0u have a toddler eating loads of yogurt? You’re in good company. Recently, a mom asked me the following: I have an 11 month old daughter who loves yogurt. She would eat it all day long. My question is: how much yogurt is too much? Yogurt is
Read more →As World Breastfeeding Week comes to an end, I think about a question that I often get asked as a pediatric dietitian and lactation consultant, which is: how long should I continue to breastfeed? I recently heard a colleague refer to breastfeeding as a journey. I like
Read more →This week’s Ask Amanda is a public service announcement of sorts from your friendly pediatric dietitian. Most of the kids and parents I have worked with this summer are not drinking enough water. Water is important for everyone, including toddlers and kids, especially during the summer months when
Read more →Hi Amanda. Is it ok to drink coffee while breastfeeding? I keep seeing conflicting information about this. Great question. One that many bleary-eyed, sleep deprived breastfeeding moms have questions about. The answer is yes, but read on to learn about what the science says. The caffeine in
Read more →My little one is quickly approaching one year old and I am breastfeeding. I’d like to nurse as long as possible and have my breastfeeding relationship with him preserved. Is there any reason I need to stop breastfeeding after he turns one? Do I need to think
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