Illinois Early intervention (EI) is a state-funded program that helps children up to 3 years old with an identified delay in development catch up to their peers. Feed to Succeed has many Registered Dietitians that are credentialed to work with EI patients to make it possible to change their developmental path and improve outcomes in all areas of their lives.

“Since Christine [former Feed to Succeed Dietitian] joined our Early Intervention team a few months ago, we have seen milestone after milestone reached with our now 18-month-old preemie (16mo. adjusted). I was trying to figure out calories, rates, and volumes over multiple bolus and continuous gtube feeds, and struggling with various formulas and medications to help my daughter continue to grow and gain weight on her gtube. Bringing Christine onto the team brought peace of mind that someone else was there to help me figure it all out with our constant adjustments.
I admit that I was confused as to why a non-oral eater should see a dietitian, but Christine has been such a help from day one: she was instrumental in helping me move my daughter over from an elemental formula to a blended real food diet when I struggled to convince doctors myself. Christine coordinated with our doctors and the food supply company and we were able to trial a blended food which dramatically improved her retching and vomiting within a week. I wish I would have brought her in sooner!
Working with Christine has also improved my daughter’s oral relationship with food. She’s suggested many things that I wouldn’t have thought to try, like adding fruit we pick in our garden to water which helps her try new flavors.
Even when your kid isn’t an oral eater, having a dietitian like Christine in our corner has been key to our journey.” – EC
From addressing swallowing and chewing complications typical with preemies, to weaning a child from a feeding tube to table food, Feed to Succeed’s nutrition assessment and ongoing nutrition therapy allow qualifying patients to achieve favorable developmental outcomes that are more effective and less costly if intervention is addressed earlier in life, rather than later.
“Feed to succeed has been a blessing to our family. My son, who is now two, started working with them a little less than a year ago. Since starting, they have worked with us closely to establish a connection with myself and more importantly my little guy.
Additionally, Feed to Succeed has done a remarkable job finding recipes and looking for ways to get my extremely picky eater to eat and/or explore. Before leaving our bi-weekly visit they always make sure I am confident in the goals we have set. Lastly, the friendship and communication has been so remarkable—-no matter how big or small my request is!
Without the support of Feed to Succeed, we wouldn’t be nearly ahead as we are—-so for that I am so grateful!” – ND
Because early intervention recognizes the treatment of a child within their natural environment, our EI appointments take place in the comfort of our patients’ homes via in-person or telemedicine services.
“Feed to Succeed has been so helpful. It’s so nice to have your group to rely on. [because all other EI therapies are waitlisted]. (DT): I agree and I’m so excited to know that Nicole is also available to do evaluations! (SLP): Yes! It’s great to have a nutritionist in your pocket.” – (EI Service Coordinator)